Training Activities

In order to complete the PhD programme, all students must ensure that they have acquired all the programme competences by enrolling for the training activities below (attendance is mandatory). Each year few training activities will be offered, so every 2 or 3 years, the training activities offered will cover all the competences.

Other activities that provide the respective competences and are recognized as such by the PhD in Software, Systems and Computing Programme Academic Committee may be eligible for certification. To this end, students must complete and submit the Training Activities Recognition form, along with all supporting documents required, to the programme administrative office.

In addition, the International Doctoral School of the UPM offers a set of Training Activities. Students passing these activities can also ask for recognition (as specified in the previous paragraph).

The PhD in Software, Systems and Computing training activities are listed below:


This table shows the Training Activities for the actual academic year
This training activity is aimed at giving students an understanding of the process, value and limitations of the scientific method. CB15, CB16 16, 23, 30 October, 06, 13, 20, 27 November, 04 December
At this workshop, students will be familiarized with the techniques used in the field of computer science to design and carry out actions to empirically validate research work in this field CA02, CB11, CB12, CB13, CB15, CB16 23, 24, 29, 30 January
At this workshop students will be familiarized with the poster presentation technique, its advantages and limitations, through a practical assignment addressing a specific example CA05, CB16 03, 07 March
This activity is designed to familiarize students with finding, reading, understanding and criticizing research articles in the area covered by the PhD programme CA01, CB11, CB15, CB16 10, 29 April
Students will learn, and experience, the process of writing and presenting a scientific paper directly derived from their PhD thesis. Similarly, students will attend the presentations of their peers and participate in the analysis of their strengths, weaknesses, etc. This activity will be developed on the model of a small congress at which the PhD students will present their articles CA04, CA05, CB12, CB16 To be confirmed
Students will learn what they need to know in order to disseminate and exploit the results of a research project. They will be familiarized with strategic dissemination plans, their phases, planning and activities, as well as plans for exploitation of results CA03, CA06, CB14, CB16, CE1 To be confirmed
Students will learn how to search for open research problems derived from a literature review, including their classification, assessment of their importance, and existing methods for starting to tackle identified problems. CA01, CA03, CA04, CB11, CB12, CB15 To be confirmed
Students will be familiarized with the most common patterns of research funding. National research programmes and related actions, European Union funding programmes and other international programmes will be explained in detail CA02, CA03, CA06, CE1 To be confirmed
Students will learn techniques for giving scientific or technical talks and presentations in the English language. They will be familiarized with several types of technical talks and the process of making a technical presentation CA05, CB14 To be confirmed
Students will learn to develop proposed research projects and related coordination actions. They will be familiarized with the main phases of a project, its structure and management CA02, CA03, CA06, CB13, CB14 To be confirmed
Students will learn to write and structure a scientific paper using a series of techniques applied to a specific example CA01, CA04, CA05, CB12, CB14, CB16 To be confirmed
Students will learn to listen to and understand specialized technical lectures taught in the English language. Listening techniques adapted to scientific or technical talks will be demonstrated CA05, CB14 To be confirmed

Subscription to Training Activities:

To subscribe to the selected Training Activities, please, complete all these fields (use only your UPM´s email):

Students should subscribe the Training Activities at least 5 days in advance.