Research Project Management

  • LECTURER: To be confirmed
  • AFFILIATION: To be confirmed


Basic introduction to research project management, highlighting in particular agile project management structure, tools and the development and transfer of the technology with focus on usage profiling.



  1. Fundamentals
    1. Introduction
    2. Fundamentals of Research Project Management
    3. Tooling: sharing is caring!
    4. Wrapping up
  2. Developing Technology
    1. Introduction
    2. Prototyping
    3. Customer development
    4. Wrapping up
  3. Transferring Technology
    1. User testing and dissemination
    2. Sketching up projects
  4. Projects pitch

Assessment Method

Grouped in teams of 1/2 persons, the students ought to prepare a research plan in 2-3 pages, covering plan, deployment and transferring.

Evaluation: Research plan (40%), pitch (40%) and viability (20%).

Lective hours


Recommended Reading


To be confirmed

Lecture Theatre

  • to be determined

Tuition Language
