Ph. D. Symposium

  • LECTURER: Aurora Pérez (coord.)


The PhD Symposium will take place in order to raise awareness of research activities that students from different doctoral programs of our School are carrying out. Furthermore, a meeting place for teachers and students will be created.

Among the objectives of the PhD. Symposium can be found:

  1. that doctoral students show the rest of researches the lines in which they are involved
  2. that teachers and students of the program take contact with the developments that are currently conducting doctoral candidates
  3. that potential students of the programs can gain a general overview of active research lines in our School.

The Symposium consists of a series of presentations where doctoral students and teachers will show the subject of their doctoral thesis and the progress recently achieved.

Assessment Method

Quality of paper presentation.


Students should be in their second (at least) year of studies.

Lective hours



To be confirmed

Lecture Theatre

  • to be determined

Tuition Language
